Office Information

Name of Office:行政書士今林大介事務所(ぎょうせいしょしいまばやしだいすけじむしょ Daisuke Imabayashi Administrative procedures legal specialist office)


Director:今林大介(いまばやし だいすけ Daisuke Imabayashi)


Address:福岡県福岡市東区奈多団地29-204(ふくおかけんふくおかしひがしくなただんち29-204 /29-204 Natadanchi Higashi-ku,
Fukuoka-shi, Fukuoka-ken 811-0205 Japan)


TEL:092-206-0917 ※(Reachable 24/7) *Feel free to give us a call in the middle of night.


mail:*Please send us your inquiry using the form below.


Business Day; Operating All Year Round. Please feel free to contact us anytime.


